
PKODR Disclaimer

Pakistan Online Dispute Resolution (PKODR) is not a law firm and the mediators are not attorneys nor are they acting as an attorney of any party. PKODR is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney and we cannot provide legal advice. Pakistan Online Dispute Resolution is mediation service that assists by empowering parties to resolve conflicts virtually and to prepare the necessary legal documents under their direction so the parties can file the document with the court. Parties participate on a cost basis and can end the mediation at any time.

Mediation empowers the participant to confront conflicts and resolve disputes by developing a contract that makes sense for their unique situation. Once a conflict has been resolved and a mutually agreeable solution has been attained, a mediator will prepare the legal documents at the specific direction of the participants. No participant need sign an agreement that he/she is not comfortable with signing.

Pakistan Online Dispute Resolution is not permitted to engage in the practice of law and is prohibited from providing any kind of advice, explanation, opinion, or recommendation to a participant regarding possible legal rights, remedies, defenses, options, or strategies. Mediators do not review their answers for legal sufficiency, draw legal conclusions, provide legal advice or apply the law to the facts of a particular situation. Mediators are not establishing an attorney-client relationship, and no attorney-client relationship will be created. Participants are representing themselves in any legal matter. We are a legal document preparation service engaged at the direction of the participants. However, all discussions that occur during mediations are confidential by law. No participant or mediator is allowed to discuss topics or information relayed during the mediation process.

As a document preparation service, mediators review their answers for completeness, spelling and grammar, internal consistency of names, address and the like. Mediators provide legal documents, fill in the answers utilizing information the parties give the mediator, or prepare a written agreement based on information freely agreed upon by both parties. The legal documents or legal written contract agreed upon by the participants is then filed with the court by the parties involved.

Pakistan Online Dispute Resolution is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney. Participants may choose to seek legal counsel for their specific situation and may consult a licensed attorney in their local area. Pakistan Online Dispute Resolution and its mediators are not responsible for any loss, injury, claim, liability, or damage caused by errors or omissions resulting from the use of our services. All documents are prepared following the review and approval of both parties. Participants are not pressured in any capacity and freely sign any documents or agreements.